
I'm white, 17, lesbian, agender (tme).

I'm an introject with multiple sources

feel free to ask about them i don't mind

I go by it/its she/her and he/him pronouns.

Do NOT call me neurodivergent. I'm autistic.

This account is shared with my co-host Sherb

I use this acc a lot and I'm tweet heavy.

I tweet about random stuff including my interests + life.

I make nsfw jokes and I can't and don't tag them

Please don't use tone indicators with me!

Mcyttwt main, psychotwt or systwt,

aren't critical of your interests/blindly stan people or things,

stan actors/singers/content creators and 'shoot' for them,

get into discourse frequently on the timeline, fujo/proship,

need nsfw jokes tagged or need any of my interests tagged, general dni criteria,

under 14 and over 21 don't follow pls!!!

xmen, p5r, gossip girl, spiderman, daredevil, deadpool,

genshin impact eu uid 713271999, dr strange

buzzfeed unsolved, polygon unraveled, kpop + a LOT more

Underlined are special interests!

*I am a comics fan not an mcu fan.
